Sunday, May 23, 2010

bump stopper

I've use many products trying to help relieve my razor bumps. One product that I'm currently using is bump stopper. Its very inexpensive to purchase, costing only a few dollars. You can find bump stopper in many stores like walmart, walgreens, right aide and on  military bases etc. It comes in a small plastic container. Its has sort of a tan color to it with a paste like texture. Bump Stopper  absorbs very quickly in to the skin leaving no residue. It doesnt have a strong scent and nor does it contain alcohol ,unlike other products, that will sting and irriate your skin.
  Just by applying bump stopper to your face will reduce your razor bumps, but it can't work alone. Daily exfoliation of your skin, and using a brush to train your hair to not penetrate your skin is advised. If there are ingrown hairs in your skin, bump stopper cant work 100%, and this applies to any product that is made to help with razor bumps.